At 40SD we believe the world needs more dad jokes, puns, and long forgotten pop-culture references. Find one that speaks to you!

  • Sometimes you just hear what you hear.

    I had stopped and gotten an iced coffee on my way home and finished it, except for the tiny drops mixed in the ice (you know, the drops you can only get to by sucking you face inside out). I was about to drop the cup in the trash can when my 9 year old daughter yells, “NO! I want to finish your Frach-a-chino”. “My what?” “Your Frach-a-chino”. How cute, and May we never forget.

    Get your Frach-A-Chino here 
  • Croc-a-what?

    What’s a croc-a-dad? Aside from it being part dad, it’s what my kids call crawdads. Cute, right.

    Join the croc-a-dad club here. 
  • That’s good advice!

    Dads are full of advice, some of it is actually good. If you’re full of good advice, or full of something else (we don’t judge), don’t hold it in.

    Get some good advice here! 
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